Matthew 25

In Matthew 25 Jesus continues to talk about the End, and he does it through three parables. Each of these parables, in and of themselves, could have pages of digital ink written about them. (Perhaps another time, though!) What struck me this morning, that I hadn’t noticed before is the way these parables progress as they deal with the Judgment Day.

In the Parable of the Ten Virgins Jesus teaches us to be prepared for his (the bridegroom’s) return. In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus told us that we are the light of the world, and here we see a similar theme. There were no street lights at Jesus’ time, so if the bridegroom were to arrive in the night (as in the parable) these Virgins (bridal attendants) would need lamps to light their way. Jesus says to let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and give glory to God for them. The light he is talking about is our life of faith. So this parable teaches that you need the light of faith on the Last Day in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, otherwise, like these foolish virgins we will be shut out!

In the Parable of the Talents we see the necessity of work in the kingdom. We are each entrusted with something. In the parable the servants were entrusted with Talents – which was a huge amount of money. (If they were silver talents they were worth about 20 years’ wages. If they were gold they could be 30 times more valuable!) Often we use this to discuss how we use our talents – the skills and blessings God has given to us – but let it suffice to say that God has given us what we need to serve Him until the End. When the End comes, he will call for an accounting of what we’ve done with what he has given us. In faith we put those blessings to work for the kingdom, and we return to the Lord the bounty of those blessings. The good works we do matter, and we are to be about the work of God’s kingdom until he returns.

The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, then, gives yet another picture of the Judgment. Once again we see that our works matter – “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, etc.” But the Sheep don’t even know they did good works! And the Goats didn’t even realize there were good works to be done.

Do you see the same progression that I see? On the Last Day our entrance into God’s kingdom depends on faith, yet we are not there yet and in the mean time there is service for us to perform with our “Talents.” In my church we would say this is helping people to know, love and follow Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to grow his flock. The return we want to show are people who have come to know the Lord, and people who have matured in their faith. Finally, when we stand before the Judgment Throne, we will not be pleading, “Look at all the good we’ve done.” Instead, we won’t even know what we’ve done, but the Father will know and tell us. Good works matter, but they’re not the focus – they’re not what get us into the kingdom. Faith first. Works follow.

Father in Heaven, thank you for giving me the light of faith in my life. Sometimes I don’t shine that light very well. Through repentance and the reassurance of Jesus’ forgiveness help me trim my lamp to let my light shine. Give me your Holy Spirit to light my way, and guide me to grow through your Word and Sacraments so that on the Last Day I will enter your presence through faith in Jesus, and you will know all the good that you did through me in this world. Amen.
