“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are.”
Have you ever meditated on that passage? Have you ever thought about how significant, how amazing, it is that we should be called “children of God”!
Surely many cultures have seen people as children of many gods. After all, if God created everything (which He did), then He created us. Simply by right of His giving us life we should revere and honor God and see Him as a Father.
But as the saying goes, “Anyone can be a father …” In our world, too many fathers abandon their families; physically, spiritually, emotionally. What makes our God so amazing is that He not only creates but He loves His children and provides for us … even when we are rebellious!
Our Father has expressed that love and commitment to us by giving His only begotten Son, Jesus, to redeem us from our rebellion. It is He who makes it possible and teaches us to call God “Father”, giving us the confidence of dear children speaking to their dear father.
This kind of love cannot merely be received. It must also be shared. John speaks about this, reminding us to love one another, to care for the needs of others, and laying down our lives. Indeed, we are reminded in the Catechism, “We should fear and love God so that we do not hurt nor harm our neighbor in his body, but help and support him in every physical need.”
Father in heaven, thank you for making me your child. Help me to love You as You have loved me, and help me to show that love by loving Your people for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
Have you ever meditated on that passage? Have you ever thought about how significant, how amazing, it is that we should be called “children of God”!
Surely many cultures have seen people as children of many gods. After all, if God created everything (which He did), then He created us. Simply by right of His giving us life we should revere and honor God and see Him as a Father.
But as the saying goes, “Anyone can be a father …” In our world, too many fathers abandon their families; physically, spiritually, emotionally. What makes our God so amazing is that He not only creates but He loves His children and provides for us … even when we are rebellious!
Our Father has expressed that love and commitment to us by giving His only begotten Son, Jesus, to redeem us from our rebellion. It is He who makes it possible and teaches us to call God “Father”, giving us the confidence of dear children speaking to their dear father.
This kind of love cannot merely be received. It must also be shared. John speaks about this, reminding us to love one another, to care for the needs of others, and laying down our lives. Indeed, we are reminded in the Catechism, “We should fear and love God so that we do not hurt nor harm our neighbor in his body, but help and support him in every physical need.”
Father in heaven, thank you for making me your child. Help me to love You as You have loved me, and help me to show that love by loving Your people for Jesus’ sake. Amen.