“Do not believe every spirit …” Last night I listened to Michael Card’s song, “The Spirit of the Age.” In the song he talks about how the message of our culture and the world destroys families, children, marriages and stands counter to Christ.
John observes the same thing. There are many lying spirits, many false prophets. In John 10:10 Jesus said that a thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, and that is what the Spirit of the Age does. However, Jesus has come that we may have abundant life. This requires wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit. (God grant it for Jesus’ sake.)
What is at the heart of the matter for John is who Jesus is.
- Jesus is God who has come in human flesh.
Jesus is not some distant God, but He is Immanuel, “God with Us.” His life, death and resurrection fall into the category of things we’ve seen, heard and touched. He is not a matter of fine ideas, high philosophy, or profound morality. Jesus is the person – true God and true Man – who redeems us from our sins because He loves us so much.
That love has a profound effect in our lives. It moves us to love others. It changes us so we will live humbly serving Him.
One of the other powerful effects of love is that it casts out fear. How often do we shrink from speaking out or doing something God has called us to do because we’re afraid? The Spirit of the Age would intimidate us into hiding Jesus’ Word, and to keep us from living in Christ’s love.
Perfect love casts out fear. If we know God is for us and loves us, who can be against us? If the Lord of the Universe loves me and acts on my behalf, of whom should I be afraid? No one!
But I am sometimes … far too often. Truth be told. Every day I need to be reassured of God’s love and receive His forgiveness in order to have the courage to be the man God made me to be.
It’s only by living in that forgiveness every day that we can live in Christ’s love. And it’s only as we live in that love that we can be the fearless, faith-filled people God calls us to be.
Father, thank You for loving me so much that You gave Jesus to redeem me. I have not always recognized that love. Help me to see how much You love me every day, and make me fearless for You. Amen.
John observes the same thing. There are many lying spirits, many false prophets. In John 10:10 Jesus said that a thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, and that is what the Spirit of the Age does. However, Jesus has come that we may have abundant life. This requires wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit. (God grant it for Jesus’ sake.)
What is at the heart of the matter for John is who Jesus is.
- Jesus is God who has come in human flesh.
Jesus is not some distant God, but He is Immanuel, “God with Us.” His life, death and resurrection fall into the category of things we’ve seen, heard and touched. He is not a matter of fine ideas, high philosophy, or profound morality. Jesus is the person – true God and true Man – who redeems us from our sins because He loves us so much.
That love has a profound effect in our lives. It moves us to love others. It changes us so we will live humbly serving Him.
One of the other powerful effects of love is that it casts out fear. How often do we shrink from speaking out or doing something God has called us to do because we’re afraid? The Spirit of the Age would intimidate us into hiding Jesus’ Word, and to keep us from living in Christ’s love.
Perfect love casts out fear. If we know God is for us and loves us, who can be against us? If the Lord of the Universe loves me and acts on my behalf, of whom should I be afraid? No one!
But I am sometimes … far too often. Truth be told. Every day I need to be reassured of God’s love and receive His forgiveness in order to have the courage to be the man God made me to be.
It’s only by living in that forgiveness every day that we can live in Christ’s love. And it’s only as we live in that love that we can be the fearless, faith-filled people God calls us to be.
Father, thank You for loving me so much that You gave Jesus to redeem me. I have not always recognized that love. Help me to see how much You love me every day, and make me fearless for You. Amen.