Titus 2

Sometimes it’s hard to write on Paul’s epistles. He has said what needs to be said in such a clear and compelling way, that I could write, “Yeah, what he said,” and leave it at that. Titus 2 is one of those chapters.

There is much here that has been confronting me personally in my faith walk recently, and there are some important themes here that Paul writes about pretty consistently. Such as:

Sound Doctrine: Throughout all his letters, Paul is always talking about being mindful of what we teach. Everything is to be established on God’s Word. We are not to deviate from the Gospel he taught. We are to hand down from generation to generation the clear message of God’s Law and Gospel. This is a little tough for us in a day when different denominations teach different doctrines on important topics. Who is to say who’s right? Sadly, we spend more time trying to prove one another wrong inside the Kingdom of God, instead of confronting the teachings of the devil, the world and our sinful nature which are shaping the worldview of our children and leading them (and us) away from Christ. There is a time and place for theological debate, and as I’ve said many times, our doctrine does matter. We should all teach God’s Word with total conviction, and also love and respect our brothers and sisters in Christ as allies and fellow pilgrims in this world.

Modeling: No, I’m not talking about Heidi Klum or Tyra Banks here (who may or may not even be models any more). I’m talking about modeling behaviors and living as examples to others. This is one of the things that the ministry Mothers of Preschoolers (M.O.P.S.) does amazingly well. They connect more experienced moms with younger moms to mentor them and encourage them. I would submit that we all need models. I had a friend in college who modeled how to pray as a ministry leader. Before that, my parents modeled how to pray as a child of God by kneeling with me and praying at bed time. What if we modeled things like Grace, Mercy, Discipleship, Bible Study, Service, Worship, and Mission? Our actions can serve as a strong reinforcement for what we believe. Besides that, I believe that the world is looking for people who live out the conviction of what they believe.

Centered on Grace: Everything Paul taught and did centered on the revelation of God’s grace in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Salvation has come for all people. This is the message. This is our motivation. This is the source of our hope and power. This good news empowers godly living and fills us with hope as we wait for Jesus to return. He has redeemed us, and now our lives find their very meaning and purpose in Him. This salvation overwhelms us as we consider our sin and the greatness of God’s mercy and love. Therefore the things we teach and do are rooted in Christ, and we are united in His forgiveness and grace as we go about our daily lives.

Boldness in Faith: Titus 2:15 says, “Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you.” It’s important to note that it is within the context of the church that Titus is to express this level of boldness. As modern Christians we are more focused on being nice and not offending anyone. I’m not saying we should go teeing off on one another (see comments on Sound Doctrine above), but we should not compromise on Jesus’ message.

Father, help me to be solid in doctrine, faithful, full of your grace and bold in faith. Amen.
