Psalm 5

How often do we ask God to hear our prayers?  I wonder if there is a seed of doubt that is within us, or if it simply the recognition that sinful people have no right to be heard in God's presence.  Whatever it is, because we are forgiven through Jesus's sacrifice for us, we can be confident and God indeed hears our prayers.  When we come to the Lord in prayer no enemy can keep our prayers from coming to Him.  Not sin.  Not death.  Not even the devil himself.

Not that they won't try.  Not that they won't use people of this world to distract us from prayer.  How often has a Christian said in the assembly of his brothers, "Enough praying.  Now we need to do something!"  Too often it has been said, "God is very busy.  Figure it out on your own.  He gave you a brain!"  Sometimes those who pray are even mocked by fellow members of the church as they cry out to the Lord - much to the shame of those who mock.

Should that deter us from prayer; what another person thinks?  Should a man's opinion keep us from coming to God's presence, especially when we know God gives attention to us when we pray?

Certainly not.  Not even if the person who is casting the seeds of doubt in your mind is you yourself.

Prayer is not about how good we are, how much help we need, or even how much faith we have.  Prayer is simply speaking to God in faith - whether it is great faith or faith that is tiny like a mustard seed.  Jesus has taken care of the qualifications to enter God's presence.  We are holy by His blood.  He prays with and for us.  What's more, the Spirit intercedes with groanings that go deeper than any human word when we don't even know what to say.  God even gives us prayer when we don't know how to pray!

Father, help me to take refuge in you!  Be my Savior, my God, my King, and my Defender.  Help me to live with joy knowing that You protect me.  Use my life to declare your greatness so that everyone can know your salvation.  Never let me be distracted from You, and help me to always seek you in Your Word and Sacraments, and in Prayer.  Amen.  
