Luke 14

       There was a Lutheran pastor in Germany during the Third Reich by the name of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  He was one of the many Christians who hid Jewish people and tried to help them get away from the Nazis.  He led a seminary that resisted the government’s intrusion into the faith.  He even conspired to assassinate Hitler, and was executed for it.
        Opportunities abounded to compromise the faith during WWII in Germany.  The Nazis initially favored the churches and got them to espouse the party line.  The swastika was hung in many churches, and congregations of all denominations became places for training the Hitler youth and extoling the fuehrer.  By the time many of these Christians realized what was going on they were complicit in the Nazi agenda. 
        Bonhoeffer was one of the voices in Germany calling his brothers and sisters to return to God’s Word, to proclaim Christ as savior, and to turn away from holocaust, war, and madness.  But it is hard to turn away from one’s mistakes.  There were risks.  The Nazis often imprisoned and executed those who spoke out against them. 
        This was the context Bonhoeffer faced when he wrote The Cost of Discipleship, and penned his most famous phrase:  “When Christ calls a man, He bids him, ‘Come and die.’” 
        Temptations to compromise the faith for a government, a culture, or even expediency has not diminished since the 1940’s.  What should the Christian do when faced with a requirement to pay for abortions as part of their insurance package?  What should we do when society demands that we accept their degraded morals regarding marriage, cohabitation, and extramarital sex?  What if our choice is to compromise or lose our jobs?  Go to jail?  Face execution? 
        Jesus’ words today are not comfortable ones.  He tells us there is someone who is more important than family, possessions, status or life, and that someone is Him.  His answer to the questions above is, “Follow me.”  The good news is, He has also promised, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)  “I am with you always.”  (Matthew 28:20)  Even in the valley of the shadow of death.  (Psalm 23)   He is faithful and will give us the strength we need to follow Him. 

Lord Jesus, the world is intimidating.  You know.  Give me courage and faith to follow where you lead me, that I may be Your disciple.  Amen.  
