Luke 16

Luke 16

        There is an interesting phenomenon that takes place when I’m watching T.V. with my family – especially when I’m watching sports.  Often as the commentator talks about game strategy, someone’s injury, or some statistic my children will talk loudly to me about Batman, My Pretty Pony, or some other such thing until I say to them, “I’m trying to hear this.”  Then, when a commercial comes on, I turn to the kids and try to talk to them, and (guess what!) they are staring and the screen enthralled by whatever product is being hawked at the moment.  They talk during the show and become silent during the commercials! 
          In Luke 16 Jesus tells us, “The sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light.”  Corporations spend billions of dollars every year trying to persuade you through advertisements and product placement.  Do you know why?  It is because they know it works.  They have studied, gathered experts, researched what makes you and me tick, and they will tantalize, stroke, cajole, and mesmerize for the sake of selling their product; for the sake of making money. 
        Do you think the world doesn’t do that with other issues, too?  Remember the political commercials in October?  Why did President Obama (or any leader, for that matter) have children present when he made his recent executive orders?  Why do so many shows portray extra-marital sex as fun without consequence?  Do you think that songs on the radio do not have messages, promote philosophies, or influence the way we think, feel, and act?  These are meant to influence us. 
        The world is shrewd.  You, however, have been redeemed from the world.  You have been set free from the world’s agenda and you have the mind of Christ.  And Jesus’ teaching does not match the world’s. 
        The Word of God proclaims the truth, and we follow it by God’s grace.  This doesn’t mean we will get everything right, or we won’t be influenced by the world’s propaganda.  But when we are swayed, and later learn from the Word that we were wrong, we know we have Jesus’ forgiveness so we repent.  What-is-more, He still calls, “Follow me!”

Father, let me see through the world’s marketing so that I may follow Your will.  Let me live every day in the light of your grace.  Amen.  
