Luke 18

        Have you ever walked into a store and had someone come up to you and ask, “What can I do for you?”  or, “How can I help you?”  Sometimes people like that can be very helpful quickly answering our questions.  (“Where can I find a reverse threaded gas fitting?”  “Aisle 5.  Let me show you.”)  Other times we might just blow them off.  (“I’m just looking, thanks.”) 
        What if the person asking the question, “What can I do for you?” is Jesus. 
        The blind beggar received an incredible opportunity when Jesus came to him and asked, “What do you want me to do for you?” He knew what he wanted – his sight – and Jesus gave it to him. 
        How would you answer that question?  Imagine that Jesus says to you, “What do you want me to do for you?”  What would you say? 
        “Protect my children.”  “Make my pain go away.”  “Restore my health.”  “Let my loved one live.”  “Help me find a spouse.” 
        Often when we pray we turn to our needs and the needs of people we love.  God want us to lay those requests before the Lord.  He also desires other prayers.  He loves requests like, “Bring justice on the earth.”  “Forgive me.”  “Help my child believe in You.”  “Make Your kingdom grow.”  “Let Your will be done in my life.”  “Be holy in my life.”
        Jesus never promised that believing in Him would make all of our troubles go away.  Quite the opposite, He says that following Him will put us into conflict with the world, our families, and even ourselves when we struggle against temptation.  He did promise, however, to be with us, to send the Spirit to comfort and remind us what the Word says, to forgive us, to come again, and to take us to be where He is. 
        Dr. Norman Nagel used to tell his classes at the seminary, “God loves it when we take His promises and rub them in His nose.”  He was helping us see that God teaches us to pray through His promises.  He was also showing what a blessing it is to ask for what God wants to give.

Father, all You want for me is good.  Help me to desire what You promise to give me in Your Word.  Thank You for Your blessings.  Amen.
