Luke 2

Luke 2 -

                The events surrounding Jesus’ birth are well known to many.  It is an account that shows us that, while the world has changed dramatically, in some ways it hasn’t changed at all.  The census, taxation, travel, working the graveyard shift, birth and old age all weave their way through what took place at Jesus’ birth and his early years. 
                We often get wrapped up in the miraculous nature of Jesus’ birth – and rightly so!  We should be in awe that the Lord took on human flesh and dwelt among us and that He bore our sins in His body to the cross to atone for our iniquity.  This is the heart of why we celebrate Christmas!  The sentimentality surrounding a baby in a manger is truly secondary to the salvation He was born to bring. 
                Acknowledging and rejoicing in the miraculous, though, take a moment to notice the mundane.  Mary and Joseph could be any young couple traveling, needing a place to stay.  Babies are born in poverty around the world.  People work in the dead of night to protect property to this day.  Folks work, travel, eat, drink, talk, and live.  An important part of the miracle of Christ’s birth is that this is what He was born into. 
                Jesus was born for normal people.  We may perceive the people of this account as special, more saintly, or specially blessed, but their evaluation of themselves would likely have been that they were just going about life when God did His thing and revealed something wonderful to them.  Even Simeon and Anna were simply and elderly man and woman who were waiting for God’s promise to be fulfilled, living each day by faith.
                Sometimes Christians feel that they are not sufficient for God’s purpose.  In a sense that is true, but God’s sufficiency sweeps us up into His story, His salvation, and the amazingness of His grace.  We go about our normal lives blessed by God to know and share His salvation. 

Lord, I live a normal life – whatever that means – please let me see more and more of what You have done for me, for Jesus’ sake.  Amen.
