1 John 5

        In J.K. Rowling’s book Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry and his friends discover that a man who was convicted of murder twelve years prior was innocent.  All outward evidence points to his guilt, but the truth is the man did not commit the crime.  As the wheels of justice turn, time is running out for this convicted man and he will receive a punishment worse than death.  Harry and his friend protest the man’s innocence, but are told, “I am afraid that the testimony of two thirteen-year-old wizards will not convince many.” 
        When it comes to testimony that we can trust, we don’t accept just anyone’s word.  We constantly question the credibility of the news, politicians, leader, and others.  We are cautious with our trust.
        In 1 John 5 we are told of God’s testimony regarding Jesus and our salvation.  He says, “For there are three that testify:  the Spirit and the water and the blood and these three agree.”  They testify that Jesus is true God and true Man, and that he truly died for our sins.  This could refer to the Spirit conceiving Jesus in Mary, and the water and blood of His birth.  It could refer to the Spirit’s testimony at Jesus’ baptism and the blood and water that flowed from His side when He was pierced by the spear.  However we understand the specifics, the Spirit, water, and blood all testify that Jesus was/is real, really died and really rose. 
        In the Christian life we have mirrored points of testimony regarding our salvation and forgiveness.  The Spirit works continually through the Word of God in our lives, calling, gathering, enlightening each of us and the whole Christian church on earth.  What is more, Baptism testifies that God has washed away our sins and He has adopted us into His family.  On top of that, the body and blood of Christ are delivered to us in with and under the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper for the forgiveness of our sins as we, by receiving this gift, proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes again.  The Spirit, the water and the blood are at work in our lives. 
        We have a way of hyper-spiritualizing things in life, but God works in tangible, humble, ways as He testifies that we are forgiven, loved, and reconciled to Him; through the Word, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. 

Father, help me to hear the testimony of the Spirit, water and blood and believe that you have given Jesus to save me and my neighbors.  Amen.  
