1 Thessalonians 5

1 Thessalonians 5

        Recently I had the opportunity to play the part of a runaway slave in a historical re-enactment.  It was a strange roll to play for a middle-aged white man and it helped me think a little differently about the risks and experiences of those who embarked on the Underground Railroad. 
        It was clear that the abolitionists we met were deeply moved by their Christian faith to help the runaway slaves.  They spoke about charity toward one’s brother, care for the downtrodden, and the freedom we all have in Christ.  They also talked about the risks they faced.  Under the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 anyone helping a runaway slave could be fined heavily and imprisoned up to six months per slave. 
        Today almost all of us would say that the abolitionists acted courageously (although sometimes they acted in the wrong way as in the case of John Brown) and that they did what was right.  Slavery is a wicked form of human domination over another human being flowing from a dark and loveless attitudes of the heart that say, “I can own you.”  We laud the courage of the men and women who resisted that darkness, shining the light of hope and freedom in Christ. 
        St. Paul says, “… you are all children of light, children of the day.  We are not of the night or of the darkness.  So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober.”  In other words, since we are forgiven through Jesus’ death and resurrection we have a new life and our relationship to the world has completely changed.  We are now called to shine the light of God’s grace and love in a world that is dominated by sin and all its manifestations. 
        In our world living as children of light will mean defying the laws of the state sometimes for the sake God’s Word.  This can be difficult and dangerous, but light cannot help but drive out darkness; and the darkness hates the light but cannot overcome it.  The salvation we have received frees us from sin’s tyranny (which is even greater than political freedom) and sends us back to the darkness with the Light of the World – Jesus Himself, crucified, risen, and coming again. 

Lord, you have made me a child of the light.  Help me shine the truth of Your Word, truth, and love for all.  Amen.  
