2 Thessalonians 2

2 Thessalonians 2

        There are several scenes in the Chronicles of Narnia where people are confronted by Aslan, the representation of Jesus in the books, because they had done something wrong (a.k.a. sinned).  The people always feel shame, and sometimes ask, “But what about that person and what they did?”  To which Aslan replies that it is not for one person to hear about another’s guilt.  Once he answered, “Child, I was telling you your story.” 
        It is good and right for us to be concerned for others in regard to their sin.  Sin damages us, hardening and darkening our hearts.  To take the stance that what other people do doesn’t matter, “I’ll just look after myself,” is utterly unbiblical.  On the other hand, being hypocritically judgmental is also unbiblical.   We’re talking about having compassion on another person and wanting what God says is best for them, not condemning them.  This certainly requires us to “get the log out” of our own eyes! 
        Sometimes people come at this concern for others from a different route.  Concerned about the salvation of others, they ask, “What about those who never had a chance to hear about Jesus?  His death?  His resurrection?  What happens to them?”  (These questions can be truly problematic when one doubts that God is good and desires to send such people to hell.) 
        Paul’s words to the Thessalonians are helpful here.  “But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the first fruits to be saved ….”  He mentions those who are deluded in false belief, but then say, we give thanks that God saved you.   There is a sense here of Aslan’s comment, “Child, I was telling you your story.” 
        God is good and He is perfectly capable of saving all those who will believe in Jesus.  Count on that and thank Him that you are among those have been saved.  In the meantime, we don’t know who are among those who will refuse “to love the truth,” so share the hope in Jesus you are so thankful for wherever you can; they just might believe! 

Jesus, thank You for saving me and giving me Your Holy Spirit.  Help me to share the hope I have in You with others to the Father’s glory.  Amen.  
