2 Thessalonians 3

2 Thessalonians 3

        We are in the stage of the year when we are talking about goals for the next year in our congregation.  We will put together a list of things that we are planning to do to reach our community as well develop our annual goals for education, worship services, etc.  We set objectives that force us to look outward and ask the question, “How will we reach our community?” 
        Recently that question has begun to morph a little in my mind.  Instead of, “how will we …,” the question is becoming, “What is God doing to reach our community?”  In some ways it’s a little harder to answer, but it is the more profound of the two questions.  It reminds us of our dependency on God in all things and on the fact that He is still at work in the world to, “seek and save” the lost. 
        Paul’s request to the Thessalonians fits with the question, “What is God doing to reach our community?” too.  He says, “Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you, and that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men.”  (emphasis added) 
        The Lord is ahead of us.  That’s really not such a radical concept, but it’s one we don’t often operate from.  We often seem to think we need to figure everything out, but God already has it figured out and He is ahead of us.  God is passionate about saving sinners.  It’s His work, and He includes us in it (which is a great privilege and honor!). 
        Paul’s call to prayer is vastly important, then, in working out God’s plan for us.  But this is also something our Lord Jesus teaches us to pray about when He says to pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done.”  We are asking God to do what He does, to bring the kingdom of God into people’s lives that they might experience His grace, repentance, and forgiveness.  We are asking that God would not allow Himself (or us) to be hindered in the proclamation of the Gospel and the sharing of His love.  And we are asking that all these things would be part of our lives and that we would be included in God’s Kingdom will. 

Father, Your will is good and perfect.  Lead me.  Go ahead of me and guide me to share your loving will and blessed kingdom as You have redeemed me for them through Jesus’ death and resurrection.  Amen.  
