Hebrews 1

Hebrews 1

        God spoke.  Think about that for a second! 
        Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to the Israelites by the prophets.  The invocation, “Thus saith the LORD,” was a statement of authority.  It was saying, “This is not my idea for I am only human!  This is God’s Word.” 
        God wants you to know:  Him, His Word, His thoughts, His ways, His love, His grace, His salvation, His Son.  Thus in these last day He has spoken to us by His Son, Jesus the Christ, the one He appointed, the one through whom the world was created. 
        Hebrews goes right at three key ideas that we dare not ignore as modern day disciples.  They are:  (1) Jesus is God the Son, (2) God created the world, and (3) God spoke to us and it is recorded for us in the Scriptures. 
        Jesus-is-God-the-Son is the main force behind Hebrews 1.  This letter was written to Jewish believers, Hebrews, and this is a major revelation to them (and us).  They believed that God was one.  Jesus revealed that God is indeed one, but that the Father, Son, and Spirit are God.  That God spoke to us in Christ is a continuation of what God has always done:  Calling His people back to Himself to redeem them. 
        God created the world, and thus everything and everyone in the world is His.  The belief in random chance being the source of the world, the gradual evolution of life by mindless happenstance, and speciation by lucky mutation are all opposed to this plain Word of the Lord.  God made this world and us, and as such we are accountable to Him to do His will – both in the Law behaving righteously (which we cannot) and in the Gospel believing in the Son our Savior (which is the gift of forgiveness for not keeping the Law which God delivers to us through His Word.) 
        God spoke to us and it is recorded for us in the Scriptures.  This is the foundation of our faith, the revelation of who God is, the message of what He has done to save us.  We dare not ignore it. 

Lord, help me to love Your Word and gladly hear and learn it.  Amen.
