Hebrews 2

        Hebrews 2 begins with the word, “Therefore.”  It’s an important word, therefore!  And when we see “therefore” we should ask ourselves what it is there for.  In this case it is there to point us back to what has already been said.  On account of God’s testimony that (1) Jesus is God the Son, (2) God created the world, and (3) God spoke to us and it is recorded for us in the Scriptures, we should not neglect the salvation He has won for us in Christ. 
        That seems like a strange thought: “neglect the salvation He has won for us.”  Who would neglect such a great gift as we have received through Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection?  The answer is:  us. 
        Whenever we look for meaning for our lives, comfort from our struggles, peace from our fears, and good as we face evil from the things of this world (money, the government, our families, or even ourselves) it will not satisfy or deliver.  God is the only one who can give us these things we desire.  He has spoken to us in this world He created to show us that by the Son we have forgiveness and reconciliation to Himself.  It is because of that reconciliation that we have meaning, comfort, peace, and good – and even experience them in things of the world when we see them as blessings from God.
        What an awe inspiring thing it is that God, the creator of the world, who spoke in many and various ways through the prophets of old, has spoken to us in these last days by His Son.  But wait!  It is even better!  The Son did not speak to us as a voice from heaven or using a prophet’s lips.  He became one of us – fully human – and spoke with His own lips.  He shared in our flesh and blood so He could suffer and die, “so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.”  And, by His death, Jesus has destroyed the one who has the power of death – the devil. 
        How can we yawn at such a Savior?  How can we have, “better,” or, “more important,” things to do than worship Him?  Instead, having been forgiven, redeemed, and restored, let us put our trust in Him.  He Himself has suffered when tempted, just like us.  He is able to help us overcome temptation – even the temptation to neglect our salvation. 

Father, forgive me for disregarding the grace You’ve given me.  Help me rejoice in Jesus and share His salvation whenever I can.  Amen.  
