Hebrews 6

Hebrews 6

        In 303 A.D. the Roman Emperor Diocletian began a great persecution of the church.  He required that every citizen offer burnt sacrifices to the gods and to hand over sacred texts and vessels – copies of the Scriptures and articles used for Holy Communion and Baptism. 
        This was a difficult time for the church.  Those who disobeyed the emperor were tortured or send to the gladiators.  Because of the danger, many Christians offered the sacrifices as an outward show while inwardly they believed that the gods were all false anyhow.  Other Christians refused on principle and many of them faced terrible trials. 
        Those who suffered had hard feelings toward those who had, in their eyes, betrayed the faith to save their own skin.  A controversy arose in the church known as Donatism.  This group argued that the Christians who had compromised were traitors to the faith, had fallen from grace, and could not be forgiven.  Hebrews 6:4-6 was likely one of the passages they referenced to prove their point. 
        This passage is challenging and strikes fear in the hearts of many sincere believers.  “Have I done this?  What about my loved one who has fallen away from faith?  Can they be redeemed?  Is there hope?” 
        It is important to remember that when we seek to understand the Bible that the larger context of the Bible helps us to understand.  The Bible interprets itself.  And the Bible shows us that David fell into sin and shame and was forgiven.  Peter denied Christ three times and was restored.  We also know that those who wander are sometimes restored by God’s grace.  St. Augustine is a great example of this, having turned from the faith as a young man; he repented, and became a great servant of Christ. 
        Without a doubt, there is no salvation outside of Christ.  Those who seek salvation apart from Jesus will not be saved, and those who feel they don’t need salvation will not be forced to receive it.  But with God all is possible, so pray for those who have fallen from faith, that they might repent and believe the promises of Christ.

Father, forgive me for the times I have doubted and wavered in the faith.  Restore those who have fallen.  Find and save them.  Amen.  
