Hebrews 7

        In the movie Open Range, Kevin Costner plays Charlie Waite, a man who is running from his past, shrouded in mystery, and trying to make a fresh start as a free grazing ranch hand.  But violence finds Charlie in his quiet new home when a rival rancher who hates the free grazers attacks and kills Charlie’s young friend.  As the movie plays out, Charlie begins to display “talents” and “skills” that no one would expect, leading them to wonder about his dark past. 
        Hebrews presents us with a mysterious man of a (very) different sort.  His name is Melchizedek.  He has “talents” and “skills” – he is a high priest of the Lord, but we have no idea how he became so, how he even knows the Lord, or why Abraham would recognize this man as the Lord’s anointed servant.  His name seems more like a nom de guerre than a given name.  It literally means, “King of Righteousness.”  Genesis tells us that he was the king of Salem … which might be at the location of Jerusalem (maybe). 
        Much ink has been spilt trying to figure out who Melchizedek was.  One of my favorite theories is that he was Noah’s son Shem.  He lived long enough to have known Abraham.  Others have proposed that he was the pre-incarnate Christ – the second person of the Trinity manifested in human form before His birth.  The fact is we don’t know. 
        What we do know is that another priest in the order of Melchizedek arose – greater than Aaron’s descendants.  This priest did differently from Aaron’s line, not offering daily sacrifices to atone for sins, but offering Himself as the final atoning sacrifice.  “This becomes even more evident when another priest arises in the likeness of Melchizedek, who has become a priest, not on the basis of a legal requirement concerning bodily descent, but by the power of an indestructible life.” 
        “This makes Jesus the guarantor of a better covenant.”  He issues in a new day and a new relationship between God and mankind.  This new relationship takes away the need for blood to be shed daily for our forgiveness, because the potency of Jesus’ blood is so great that His purchased salvation and forgiveness for everyone who believes in Him. 

Lord Jesus, You are my high priest.  You both are and offered the sacrifice to pay for my sins.  Thank you.  Amen.  
