Hebrews 9

Hebrews 9

        I was at the phlebotomist for blood work one time and she told me, “Look away, I am about to draw your blood.”  I thought that was an interesting statement and I was curious, so I watched, and thought, “What’s the big?”  She, however, noticed me watching and said that she’s had too many people pass out at the sight of their own blood, so she tells people to look away.   I imagine it’s rather annoying to have to wake someone up from a feint if it could have been avoided. 
        How do you respond when you see blood? 
        We’ve sanitized our world to a great degree and we don’t generally have to deal with blood – except seeing it in movies.  There was a time that if you were going to eat meat you’d have to kill the animal and see and touch blood.  Today we get our meat frozen or wrapped in plastic on Styrofoam trays, the blood already mostly gone.  And the little blood we do deal with is treated as a biohazard in case of food poisoning. 
        The Bible however deals heavily in blood.  God warned Adam and Eve that if they sinned they would die.  However, after they sinned, God provided a way to pay for sins:  sacrifices, the death of animals on behalf of people.  During Moses’ ministry God clarified this practice and puts rules all around it.  At that time He explained that which might have been self-evident, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.” (Lev 17:11 ESV)
        One life gets traded for another.  The innocent pays for the guilty. 
        In Hebrews 9 we are told that Jesus’ blood purifies our conscience and moves us from performing dead works so that we serve the living God.  Clearly this is not outward deeds, but the Spirit’s work within us.  Turning our hearts to God in faith, feeding us on the Word and Sacraments, and, by that blood, He proclaims and delivers a new and perfect covenant rooted in Jesus’  blood, giving forgiveness of our sins. 

Lord Jesus, I thank you for Your blood that cleanses me from my sins.  You have cleansed me, so please keep me to that day when you will come again and take me and all believers into Your Holy presence.  Amen.  
