Philippians 1

       Lately I’ve had conversations with people about Philippians 1:21-24 where we learn that to live is Christ, but to die is gain.  As they face news of cancer, disease, and old age the message of this passage is relevant.  To live is Christ.  To die is gain.  
        Paul lived in a tension that we can all appreciate; he loved life, serving God and God’s people, but he also looked forward to the day when he would be able to be with Jesus, his savior and the source of his hope and joy.  It is very important that we keep the balance that Paul describes here in our own hearts and minds.  Often we look to the end and think of this life as a vale of tears which we must endure until we come to our wonderful home in heaven.  There is truth in that sentiment.  However, Paul is quick to point out that, “to live is Christ.”  As we live our lives the amazing work of Jesus’s salvation is at work in us and through us.  This is a good thing . . . no, it’s a magnificent thing.  We have become bearers of salvation and living examples of the power of God’s grace at work in our lives.  Both this life and the next are precious gifts from God in order that we might serve our Lord Jesus in the power of the Spirit. 
        Over all this Paul tells us, “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.”  The word we properly translate, “conduct yourselves,” is related to the word polites (where we get our word, “politics”) – which means, “citizen.”  The way we conduct ourselves has everything to do with our citizenship.  Roman citizens feared nothing because they were untouchable; severe punishment awaited anyone who harmed a Roman.  As citizens of the kingdom of God, we too can have all confidence and conduct ourselves in a way that is fearless for we know that God is with us.  (And if God is with us, who can stand against us?)  To live is Christ, and to die is gain, and that gives us confidence as kingdom citizens!  We can be bold to take on the work Jesus has given us – to share the salvation He won through His death and resurrection. 

Lord Jesus, unite all your people in the salvation You won for us.  Help congregations to be united in their hope and mission so all Christians may work to share our citizenship in heaven with others.  Amen.  


Anonymous said…
I enjoy reading your thoughts! Keep up the good work!! ~ Kelly