Philippians 4

       Harmony is important for the mission of the church.  But harmony is not agreement for the sake of agreement, nor is it the ubiquitous, “We’ll just have to agree to disagree.”  We are called to think in Christ.  Conflict, then, is an opportunity to glorify God as we come together in God’s Law to do what He has called us to do, and live together in His Gospel being forgiven and forgiving one another. 
        Too often we Christians walk away from conflict for the sake of false harmony.  We then experience no reconciliation.  Being in Christ, we see our sins and confess them.  Instead of glossing over differences, we dig into them – speaking the truth in love, with gentleness and respect – and take them to the Lord in prayer, studying His Word so that we can come out thinking the same way; God’s way.  Ultimately our opinion does not matter when we are submitting ourselves to our Lord Jesus. 
        One of the keys to godly reconciliation is found in verse 5: “Let your gentleness be known to all.”  The word gentleness can also mean kindness, and that might be a better image for what we are being called to do here.  Kindness requires a conscious choice and shows in our conduct during conflict and in all our dealings with others.  Kindness fits nicely with Christian love, because it focuses outward.  Kindness does not allow people to harm themselves or be harmed, so we reach out to the hurting, those we are separated from, and those who are lost in unbelief. 
        Much of life draws us to the least common denominator, and we often respond to others in the lowest ways.  We are called out of being the least into God’s glory.  We do well to think about that, and to rejoice in the things that God rejoices in.  As forgiven citizens of God’s kingdom, we cling to Calvary’s Cross for forgiveness and as our glory.  We run to Jesus’ empty tomb to know our salvation is won, and we follow our risen Lord.  And as we follow Jesus, telling others about Him, we become an example of God’s reconciliation.  Ours is a real message of grace that as we follow Jesus, we can also share the Good News that will lead others to reconciliation, too. 

Father in Heaven, through your Paul you have given many good thoughts on how to live.  Help me to follow him, and in so doing follow Jesus so that I might lead someone to Him, too.  Amen
