Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11

        “By faith….”  O, how important those words are!  It does not say by mighty deeds, by discipline, by power, or any other thing from the people mentioned.  All of these things:  understanding the creation of the universe, offering acceptable sacrifices, sojourning in a promised land, building the ark, suffering persecution, refusing earthly pleasure, overcoming enemies, and dying a good death; all happened by faith.
        Too often Christians try to make faith into an act of our will, but faith is a gift the Holy Spirit gives through His Word – sometimes the Word is connected to and combined with water as a washing of regeneration and renewal in baptism, other times it is simply heard, for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  We fall into a trap when we try to make faith about us and our doings.  (This is something we need to be cautious of in our songs and hymns. How often the lyrics become about what I do, instead of what God does?)
        Faith is the Christian life.  It is receiving God’s gifts, confessing our sins, living in forgiveness, and walking a new way/path (which is to say, living a new obedience).  Since this faith and life are a gift, it might seem that it is our job then to take care of it, but even here God shows His abundant grace.  By his Word and through the Sacraments He feeds our faith and new life, sustains us in the trials of life, and gives us courage for following Him.  (LCMS President Matt Harrison likes to say, “Courage is fear that has been baptized.”  A neat image!) 
        How sad it is when Christians turn away from God’s Word; when they accept bits and pieces and not the whole!  Little do we know how much we lose in peace, hope, joy, and more by setting aside Scriptures we don’t like!  These are the words of eternal life, and that is what they deliver to us; eternal life through the cleansing of Jesus’ blood. 
        Faith turns our eyes outward looking ahead to a better life (without sin and pain) and a better world (without fear and death).  God has promised it to us, and He will deliver.  But this promise is not just for us.  It is for all who will believe in Jesus, so we share the Good News.

Lord, someday You will take me to be where You are.  Help me to live by faith that I may see the sight of the heavenly home You have prepared for me, and for all who believe, and for all who will believe.  Amen.  
