John 13

John 13

        As Jesus gathered with His disciples for Passover he was still dealing with an important matter with them: humility. Many times the disciples argued with one another about who was the greatest. Jesus is utterly unconcerned about greatness. He has no need to prove Himself, even if most people desire to be recognized, honored, and catered to.
        Jesus set an example before the disciples that night which was to drive home the point that discipleship is not about greatness. The kingdom of God is not about being first. Following Jesus is not about being honored in the world’s eyes. Instead it is about being a servant and a messenger. It is about humility and willingly taking the lower place for the sake of the one who sent you.
        Jesus took the lowest place at the fest, although He was the teacher and Lord. He stripped off his outer clothes and knelt before each of His disciples to wash their feet. They thought this was the lowest possible service. They likely felt that this foot washing stuff was beneath them … until Jesus showed them otherwise.
        The washing of feet, however, was not the lowliest service that Jesus offered His disciples. Nor is it the lowest work that He did for us. You see, it was in order to serve us – serve us by saving us – that Jesus endured the cross on our behalf. Stripped naked He hung there, bleeding and taunted, bearing our sin to the point that He was rejected by the One who sent Him. He died a humiliating death and endure more than we can imagine in order to redeem us. 
        Love makes us look to others and care about their needs. Jesus looked upon our need and He gave His life to rescue us. Having received that love – having had not only our feet washed by Jesus, but our entire lives cleansed by His blood – we are moved to love others, to care for their hurts, wants, and needs. It is our privilege to serve them just as Jesus served us.
        Selfless service is a powerful witness to our neighbors. It is a moving experience to us to see someone give themselves. That is what Jesus has done, and that is what we do in His name.

Lord, let me clearly know Your love and service that I will be moved to love and serve others. Amen. 
