John 14

John 14

        “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.” These words were spoken to the disciples to comfort them as they wondered and worried about their Lord leaving them and going where they could not go. They didn’t understand what He was talking about, and He knew that even more painful and confusing experiences were ahead of them.
        This verse is a good passage for us to hold on to today as well. When we look at the world we can see many things that bring us fear and stress. Nations are at war. Allies are divided on how to settle the matter. In the meantime, people are suffering and dying. Economically, many struggle to make ends meet. Millions of people are unemployed, or under-employed. Even between state and federal government there is rivalry and bitterness. Yet Jesus says to us, “Let not your hearts be troubled,” and we are tempted to respond, “Easier said than done!”
        But it is exactly because Jesus says it that we can be comforted by these words. He doesn’t say, as we are wont to do, “Don’t worry! It will all be okay.” Indeed, His message is that in this world many things will not be okay – at least not in the sense that we all live happily ever after and nothing bad ever happens to us. Instead, He says, “Believe in God; believe also in me.” We are comforted because we believe – we have faith – that no matter what happens in this world, nothing can snatch us from our God and Savior’s hand.
        There are many times that we experience confusion, fear, and sorrow. Our sin brings pain into our lives, and sometimes we suffer because of other people’s sin. God’s promise in Christ is that sin is overcome. We are forgiven through believing in Jesus who was crucified for us. We bear through and overcome the sins of others because the power of Jesus’ resurrection is at work in our lives. 
        The one who says, “Let not your hearts be troubled,” is the one who is able to bring us through the troubles and beyond them. He has prepared a place for us where He is in heaven. What is more, He gives us His Spirit to give us faith, comfort us, and to lead us through His Word. So we keep His Word as our anchor, clinging to His promise.

Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief that I might not be troubled. Amen.
