Matthew 5

Matthew 5

        When the kingdom of heaven breaks into people’s lives it turns their lives upside down. The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) is a study on that truth. Every step of the way Jesus is confronting the kingdom of this world with the heavenly reality of God’s values, and they are nowhere near the same! He is saying that what matters in the kingdom of heaven is not our power or sufficiency, but our brokenness and dependence – because these are precisely where God’s goodness and salvation are revealed.
        Jesus begins the sermon with statements that have come be known as “The Beatitudes.” Sadly, through the years these verses have often been used like a rod to flog believers. They have been called the “Be Attitudes” and we are urged to “be” like this: poor in spirit, mourning, etc. – as if Jesus were setting goals for our lives or making ethical demands of His followers. Instead, He is saying that we are “blessed,” “happy,” or that “it is good for us” when we experience these things because they are signs of our disconnection from the kingdom of this world and our connection to the kingdom of heaven.
        All throughout the sermon Jesus contrasts kingdom-of-heaven-living with kingdom-of-the-world-living. You are salt, the world is tasteless. You are light, the world is dark. Do you think your “kingdom of the world” righteousness is good enough? Jesus shows that the kingdom of heaven’s standards are beyond our reach, so we cannot rely on our own works. Instead, we are going to live by God’s mercy and grace, a very different righteousness, which will lead us to be different.
        It is good for us to recognize that this world is not our home and that we are strangers and aliens here; pilgrims who are residents of a different kingdom. We represent that kingdom and seek to draw others into it as we share the hope we have in Jesus who was crucified and raised for us. We feel the tension of our human frailty and God’s salvation at work in our lives. That is a good thing because it helps us to look forward to when the kingdom of the world ends, and the kingdom of heaven is seen in its full and tangible reality. Happy and blessed are you when you long for that kingdom because you will not be disappointed for God is faithful and He will do it.

Lord, set my heart on Your kingdom and help me share Your forgiveness with people so they may receive better than this world can give. Amen.
