June 22, 2015


Scripture: Lamentations 3:22-33

Lamentations was written by Jeremiah after the fall of Jerusalem. As the name implies the book is a lament over the sorrowful things that had happened because of Israel’s sin and God’s punishment of that sin. This portion of Lamentations, however is a word of hope to help us know God’s faithfulness even in the midst of the sorrows of our lives. It encourages us to see our struggles as a consequence of sin and a place where we experience the redemption that comes to those who have faith in Jesus. We also see that God deals with us through his law and gospel.


The most challenging part of this text is the way that it talks about suffering. It speaks of having to wait for the Lord, which implies a time when it will at least seem that he is not present or active. It says that this waiting is good for us. Not only that, but it indicates that suffering is something that is laid upon us, and it implies that the Lord casts people off – if not forever, then for a while. Indeed, it says that God brings grief into our lives and afflicts us, but that he does this unwillingly. It is a consequence of our sin.
Those uncomfortable truths are countered by confessions of faith regarding God’s steadfast love, mercies that never end, and the hope we have in him. While it speaks of waiting, it also firmly believes that salvation will come at the end of the waiting, because God is compassionate with us. These blessings make it possible for us to endure hardship and suffering, and they call us to hold on to God’s word with faith in the future.


When we read the news we can see moral decay similar to what brought Israel under judgement. It may make us wonder if God will bring punishment upon our nation. We might worry about our children and grandchildren and the difficulties they may face.
We do not like to think about God disciplining us, but it is a reality of the life of faith. Not only that, but the sins of others bring suffering into our lives, too. But overarching these realities is that God’s faithfulness and love moved him to save us from our sin and its consequences. He did that by Jesus dying and rising for us. Because of his death and resurrection we have real hope in the midst of our sorrows, and we too can bear patiently by God’s grace.


The theme of this prayer is Petition.

Lord, we pray for those who suffer in any way. We ask that you would comfort them and us with your mercy and steadfast love. Help us to wait for you quietly, trusting that you will bring your salvation at the proper time, even as you brought our salvation from sin and death at the right time when Jesus died and rose for us. Help us to remember that your mercies are new every morning, and we pray that you would pour out your mercy on us so that our souls will say, “The Lord is my portion, therefore I hope in him.” As our souls hope in you, we pray that hope will show forth in our lives. Help us to not lose heart under your discipline, but to grow more firm in faith trusting in you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 
