June 8, 2015


Scripture: Ezekiel 17:22-24

The prophet Ezekiel worked with Israelites who were captives and exiles, longing to return to their homeland. In this passage he uses the image of sprig from a tree that is transplanted and grows into a mighty tree which is capable of holding many birds. This symbolizes the coming of the kingdom of God which at first appears very small, but grows so large that all kinds of people are welcomed in it. Ezekiel’s prophecy of God’s word is intended to help us see how great and all-encompassing God’s kingdom is.


When the Babylonians captured Jerusalem they took many of the brightest and the best out of that land and into captivity. It was a strategy to keep any nation from rising up against them after they had been conquered. It is only normal that the captives would long to God home. God’s message to the people was that there would be a small number – a remnant – that he would save to restore them. The sprig would become a noble cedar. That was good news, but then something strange happened in the text.
God said that under this noble cedar every kind of bird would dwell and nest in the shade of its branches. In other words, if the noble cedar was Israel, they would be welcoming people from all nations into their lives. The kingdom’s purpose would not be only for the Israelites to return home and live happily ever after. The purpose would be to welcome all people so that they would all know that he is the Lord.


Are you a welcoming person? When it comes to bringing people into God’s kingdom we are called to be welcoming. The good news of Jesus’ salvation is not meant for us to hold to ourselves. In fact, we are extensions of the tree Ezekiel spoke about. As the church we are now the ones who have as part of our purpose to welcome all people who would find comfort and home in Jesus.
Living with a bunch of birds would be pretty chaotic. There would be lots of noise, squawking, and squabbling. Sometimes our life in the church seems like that too, and that can be discouraging. Next time you feel like you’re surrounded by squawking birds at church, remember that each of them is just like you – a sinner forgiven and welcomed in Christ. Let that help you see them in a different light.


The theme of this prayer is Thanksgiving.

O Lord God, thank you for sending your prophet Ezekiel to speak your word. Thank you for the image of the sprig that grows to a mighty cedar, which reminds us that, though it sometimes seems small, your kingdom is great and draws in all kinds of people. Thank you for the wide diversity of your people who are positioned to reach even more people to bring them into your kingdom. Thank you for including us among the many who take shelter in the church and find our home in Christ. Thank you for the great reversal of fortunes that you have brought about, for surely we were the low tree and the dry tree, but by Jesus’ death and resurrection you have given us life, making us high and green. Thank you for standing against your enemies to bring them low and dry them up in order to save us. Thank you that if even they turn and repent they too will be welcomed into your kingdom. Thank you for your salvation. Amen.
