July 17, 2015

Scripture: Mark6:30-44
Seeking a time of rest and refreshment after a busy time of ministry, Jesus and the disciples found themselves surrounded by a crowd of people who long to hear God’s word and to see Jesus. The passage shows how Jesus responded with compassion to the people and functions to show us his compassion for us as well.
When Jesus got out of the boat he saw the crowd and he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. That compassion led him to lay aside his agenda for this time with the disciples and to minister to the crowd. That same compassion is what moved Jesus to be born among us, setting aside his glory, and to die for us to forgive our sins.
What would you do if you were looking forward to rest and you found people waiting for you where you thought you’d find peace? Jesus’ compassion challenges us in our interaction with others. It urges us to put them before ourselves and convicts us because we know that we are often selfish with our time and priorities. That is why it is so important to hold fast to the truth that we are people who received and continue to receive compassion from Jesus. We are forgiven for our lack of compassion even as Jesus’ compassion upon us moves us to be compassionate for others.


This prayer is written in the themes of Confession and Instruction.
Lord Jesus, when we read of your compassion on the crowd part of us just takes it for granted that you’ll be compassionate because that’s who you are. Forgive us for not seeing that act of compassion as the great sacrifice it was. Forgive us for not comprehending that it has always been your compassion that led you to come to us, to bear our sins, and to die for us. Forgive us for not being moved by your compassion to be compassionate with others. Forgive us for putting our agendas ahead of your will for us, when you have put us ahead of yourself. Forgive us for the many times that we have seen others in need and we ignored them, or believed that there was nothing we could do, or judged them for their situation. Forgive us for our lack of compassion.

Indeed, Lord, we ask that you would teach us to be compassionate and that you would help us to see throughout your word that compassion is a great gift to receive and to share. We see that your compassion did not extend only to forgiving sins and speaking of heaven, but of meeting people where they were and dealing with the needs they have now. Help us to learn to have compassion on all aspects of people’s lives – their guilt, their grief, their need, their lack of faith, and everything that hurts them. Help us to understand that you are the Shepherd who came for lost sheep, and that lost sheep are vulnerable. Make us aware of the many ways people are like sheep without a shepherd and give us wisdom to help them meet you – the Shepherd who came to save us all. Amen. 
