July 20, 2015

Scripture: Genesis9:8-17
This reading records part of the covenant God made with Noah after the waters of the flood receded and Noah and his family had come out of the ark. This portion focuses specifically on the sign of the covenant – the rainbow. God said that he placed the rainbow in the sky as a reminder that he would never destroy the earth by a flood again. The passage shows us that God makes covenants – sacred agreements or pledges – with people in which he, the more powerful, is the one who takes action on behalf of the weaker.
The rainbow is a thing of beauty that people often love to behold. Its beauty, however, is not limited to its shape or its colors. The beauty of the rainbow is also that it is mark of an agreement between God and the world to never destroy the world by flood again.
When we say it is an agreement, we often get the idea of negotiation and compromises, but this was not the case. God stated to Noah and his sons, “Behold, I establish my covenant with you ….” God’s covenants say more about who he is and what he will do than what the recipients of the covenant will do! God bound himself for Noah’s family’s sake, and for the whole world’s sake, because of the love he had for them.
Noah’s covenant is still in effect today. When we see a rainbow we do well to remember God’s covenant and his faithfulness to his word. Beyond thinking about refraction and the properties of light, we think of the Creator who chose this beautiful phenomenon to comfort and encourage us.
God is not done with covenants. He has made a new covenant with us. It deals with the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus broken body and shed blood. Like the covenants of old, it has more to do with what he does than what he requires from us. But here again we see that he chose to make a promise to us for our salvation. And He will keep it.


This prayer is written in the theme of Petition.

Lord God, you created this world and all the wonders that are in it. Help us to hold on to that in a world that consistently denies your existence, doubts your deeds, and tries to put aside your wonders and simple natural phenomena. Help us to live faithfully in a world that you created and to which you have given order that we can study and comprehend. Keep us and all your people in awe of the covenants you have made with us. Not only the covenant you made with Noah, but keep us in the covenant that you have made with us in Jesus. Help us trust what you have promised – forgiveness of sins, salvation from death, resurrection, everlasting life, and sharing in your eternal glory. When we see your rainbow in the sky, help us to remember your covenant and to rejoice that you continue to keep it. But even more, we ask that when people behold the cross of Christ that they would see the new covenant you have made by which we are saved from sin and that all hearts would believe what you have done for us because of your great love and grace. Amen. 
