August 11, 2015

Scripture: John6:51-69
This passage is part of a longer conversation regarding faith and how we relate to God, but it is couched in the language of eating and drinking. It actually starts with Jesus feeding the crowds and them seeking Him out hoping for more food. Jesus once again speaks of eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the Son of Man and having everlasting life. Jesus also reiterates that one comes to Jesus because the Father grants it. This teaching, however, made His followers very uncomfortable and some of them left Him at this point. In response to this defection, Jesus asked the Twelve if they wanted to leave, too. Peter replies with a great confession of faith.
This text invites us to consider how we came to faith, what we receive in faith, and why we continue to follow in faith. It also gives us words for a strong confession regarding Jesus’ words – the words of eternal life – and who He is – the Holy One of God.
There is only one way to have life and that is by eating Jesus’ flesh and drinking His blood. In this context, Holy Communion has not yet been instituted, so we should understand this life as the life of faith and the eating and drinking as receiving that life-giving word of God that Jesus both speaks and is. (Don’t forget that John is the one that records, “In the beginning was the Word,” speaking of Jesus.)
Peter confessed what Jesus had been saying all along very succinctly at the end of the reading. He says that Jesus has the words of eternal life and they had believed and come to know that He was the Holy One of God. God had drawn them through Jesus’ words, and He had given them life – that is faith which receives the eternal life Jesus had come to give His actual flesh to win for all who believe in Him.
Do you ever pause to think about eternal life? When people do they often think of heaven, angels, seeing loved ones who have died, or even seeing Jesus. This passage reveals that eternal life is something that we have now. If Jesus is in us we are alive in faith now and forever. That life, however, needs sustenance to remain alive, healthy, and strong.
Jesus feeds us on Himself. This is why it is so important to take time like this to read God’s Word. This is also why going to church to hear the Word is so important. Jesus is feeding us with Himself. He is present there in His Word, and His Spirit gives life there. Next time you read the Bible or come to worship think about this – Jesus meets you there to feed you with His body and blood to sustain the eternal life of faith that you have right now.


This prayer is written in the themes of Thanksgiving and Petition.
O God, we thank and praise You for giving us Jesus, and that He has given His flesh for the life of the world. Thank You for Your Word and Spirit which give us everlasting life and sustain that life. Thank You for drawing us to Jesus by giving us the words of eternal life, revealing Him who is Your Holy One.

Grant that we would always be fed by Jesus and that we would always receive His words as they are – words of eternal life. Sustain the life and faith You have given us until the day You raise us up! Amen.
