August 3, 2015

Scripture: 1 Kings19:1-8
One of the highlights of Elijah’s ministry was a great confrontation with 450 of the prophets of the false god, Baal, in which they each were to prepare a sacrifice, but not light the fire for the burnt offering. Whichever deity brought down fire was to be the god of the people. After the Lord burned His offering and Baal did not, Elijah ordered that the prophets of Baal be executed as well. This angered the queen, Jezebel, and she swore she would kill Elijah. This text records that threat and Elijah’s response – which was to run away. God provided for Elijah through an angel and gave him miraculous endurance. As we read these events, we see that, even in a moment when we might expect great confidence in God’s people they sometimes become fearful, but God, in His mercy, sustains us.
There are many who hate God’s will and resist Him with violence in this world. Unfortunately it is God’s people that bear the brunt of that violence. Persecution has always been part of the life of the church. It happens in a wide variety of ways, but God’s people have always lived as aliens in a hostile land.
This world is, however, still God’s. He continues to protect and provide for His people’s needs. He fed Elijah with divine food which gave him strength to travel forty days and forty nights. God provides miraculous food to His people today through the Word and Sacraments. This is most obvious in the Lord’s Supper where we eat Jesus’ body and drink His blood in, with, and under the bread and wine.
Persecution might not be overly evident in places like U.S. America, but God’s people in other parts of the world often face physical danger. This is something we must be prepared for. People will hate us because we bear the name, “Christian.” We will be labeled as intolerant, bigots, and irrelevant. This will be hard for us and it might be frightening. We do not need to fear, though. Just as Elijah was strengthened by the food the angel gave him, God will strengthen us for the tasks he gives us by His Word and Sacraments. We can count on Him to achieve His will in and through us.


This prayer is written with the themes of Instruction and Thanksgiving.
O Lord, in Your Word we learn that your people have long faced threats and danger in this world. We also learn that You provide for Your people when they face such dangers. Sometimes You provide physical protection, sometimes endurance, sometimes peace, and sometimes the provision is entry into Your eternal presence. Help us to learn as we face the threats of Your enemies in this world to have confidence in You and to know that in all circumstances You will provide for us.

Thank You for the many ways that You have protected Your people. Thank You also for the privilege of suffering for the sake of Your name and the hope that we have in Jesus. We are so grateful that no matter what happens to us in this world nothing can take us from You, and, when the journey is too difficult for us, You provide all that we need to be steadfast in our faith and trust as well as to finally come home to that place where there is no more pain or sorrow, where we finally dwell with You face to face. Amen. 
