September 21, 2015

The Book of Numbers takes up the story of the Israelites as they wandered in the wilderness after God rescued them and brought them through the Red Sea and into the wilderness. God had already provided manna and quail for the people to have food to eat, but the people longed for the food they ate in Egypt. It was as if they had forgotten that they were in slavery in Egypt! Their complaint led Moses to come before the Lord and ask Him to provide for His people. God’s response was to appoint more leaders for Israel and to place His Spirit upon them. The main point of this reading for us is not the complaining of the Israelites, although there are lessons for us to learn there. The main point is that in the end when Moses said he wished that all God’s people were prophets and that they all had God’s Spirit because this is truly what God has done.
The people were looking to Moses for more than he could provide. Moses understood something about his leadership, though. It was not he who was leading Israel in the wilderness; it was God. God graciously provided other leaders for the Israelites by placing His Spirit on them. These leaders prophesied, and the  prophesy was evidence to those who saw this happen that God had indeed appointed these people, and that His Spirit was upon them. It was, therefore, the Spirit that led the people through these men.
One of the amazing things about this text is how Moses wishes for all of God’s people to have God’s Spirit on them. In Christ, this is exactly what has happened. All Christians have had the Spirit of God poured out on them in their baptism. God continues to place His Spirit on us through the reading and hearing of His Word. This gives us permission to prophesy – that is to speak God’s Word to others, so that they too might receive the Holy Spirit and have the faith that brings us salvation.


This prayer is written in the themes of Instruction, Thanksgiving, Confession, and Petition.
O God, when the Israelites complained in the wilderness and wanted to return to Egypt and slavery, Your servant Moses despaired and threw himself and his people on Your mercy. You provided for them in a most unexpected way: You put Your Spirit on more people that that they might join in leading Your people by the power of that Spirit.
We thank You that today You have given Your Holy Spirit to all of Your people and that we can be confident that You will lead us to walk in Your ways, and that You guide us to help others hear Your Word and come to faith in You. And we thank You for Moses’ gentle humility that we may imitate him and not become jealous of those who speak on Your behalf.
Forgive us, Father, for seeking guidance from other places and for longing to return to our own slavery to sin and death. We know that we think nostalgically about the sins of our youth sometime.
Lord, grant that Your Spirit will continue to rest upon Your people and especially upon our pastors and leaders. Guide all of us to live for the benefit of others and let Your Spirit lead us all. Amen. 
