September 7, 2015

September 7, 2015
Scripture: Isaiah50:4-10
This is one of the sections of Isaiah in which the words that are spoken by the Lord’s Servant, a recurring character who points ahead to Jesus, and to some degree the Church as Jesus’ followers. In this reading following the Lord’s Word leads the Servant into persecution and mistreatment. His response to this treatment is to “set his face like flint” and to put his confidence in the Lord as the one who will vindicate him as he lives by faith. The passage points us ahead to Jesus and we see aspects of His ministry in it. It also encourages us as servants of the Lord to keep our faith and hope in Him when we suffer for the faith.
This passage teaches us that it is God who makes Himself and His will known to us. He is the one who gives us His Word to speak that others may be instructed as well. The life of faith, from first to last, is a gift which God gives and sustains, and our relationship with Him is rooted in how He has reached out to us.
However, hearing God’s Word, believing it, being instructed by it, and living according to it brings God’s people into conflict with those who are rebellious against Him. The people of God should expect to experience persecution when they live according to God’s teaching. We need not be daunted or feel disgraced, though. God helps us bear those burdens and overcome them as we live by faith.
Have you ever considered that Jesus knew, spoke, and lived God’s Word, but the reception He received from the people of His time was ultimately crucifixion? It is not every ear that hears God’s Word to be taught and sustained by Him. It is only by faith that we receive such blessings, living as one who walks in darkness, not knowing what will come next, but trusting God to lead us through.
What a blessing it is to know that the Lord God helps us and defends us. There may be those who accuse and try to disgrace us in different ways, but God has urged us to set our face like flint – to not be turned away or distracted from what He has done for us; particularly what Jesus has done for us by His death and resurrection!


This prayer is written in the themes of Petition, Instruction, and Thanksgiving.
O Father in heaven, please open our ears, hearts, and minds to be instructed by You that we may know how to sustain the weary with Your word. Defend us against our enemies, and lead us in the darkness of this life as we follow Jesus by faith.
It is You who has given us your instruction so that we may speak Your Word. It is You who opened our ears and gave us faith. It is You who helps us when we face oppression and resistance to Your Word.

We thank You for all You have done. Thank You for giving us Your Word in our ears and our mouths that we may both hear and speak it. Thank You for standing up for us when we suffer for the faith. Thank You for leading us in the darkness and for being the one we can trust in for all things. Amen.
