October 13, 2015

Scripture: Mark 10:23-31
Jesus’ teaching in this section follows His encounter with a rich man who wondered how to inherit eternal life. Having confronted this man’s idolatry of wealth, Jesus commented on wealth in relationship to living in the kingdom of God, and He points out that there is spiritual danger in human fixation on wealth. The reading functions as a warning against worshipping wealth and assuming that wealth is good. It is also an encouragement to long for greater gifts that come by faith in Jesus.
Wealth has almost always been interpreted as a blessing from God. But what if that’s not always the case? Jesus says, “How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!” Which is better to have: wealth or eternal life?
The fact is that it is impossible for any person to enter the kingdom of God under her own power. It is only by God’s grace that any of us enter. As Jesus said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.”
There are things that are more important than wealth. Just as there are things that are worth dying for, there are things that it would be worth losing everything for. The kingdom of God is the greatest of these. It is losing something temporal and gaining something eternal.
Life in God’s kingdom is topsy-turvy compared to the world. We lose to gain. Persecution is a blessing. We die to live forever. Many who are first will be last, and the last first. This passage is very much a call for us to live counter culturally in regard to wealth, and to place God’s kingdom above our comfort.
How difficult it is, O Lord, for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God! Yet with You it is possible, even though we cannot save ourselves. Your kingdom is greater than anything we face in this life. Even facing persecution, a real possibility as we follow You, is worthwhile in light of the eternal life and many blessings we look forward to when You kingdom comes.
Thank You for granting us faith to follow You, Lord Jesus, and for drawing us into Your kingdom. Thank You for warning us regarding wealth and for breaking wealth’s dominion over us by Your death and resurrection. Thank You for drawing us into a huge family where Your love flows within and between us all. And thank You for the privilege of suffering persecution for Your name’s sake.
Forgive us, O God, for our attachment to wealth. Forgive us for not seeing how wealth can draw us away from You. We reason that wealth gives us resources with which to serve You and Your people, but all too often it only serves we who hold it. Forgive us for our reliance on earthly things without recognizing You as the Creator.

Lord, we ask that You would continue to break the hold of any idolatry on us, including the hold that wealth has on us. Bring us through the eye of the needle into Your eternal kingdom, and bring many others through, too, so they may receive the great blessings You have promised to all who trust in Christ. Amen. 
