October 15, 2015

Scripture: Hebrews 4:1-16
The writer of this letter described the disobedience and rebellion of the Israelites who refused to enter the Promised Land. Now he warns his listeners to take note of their fall, for they did not enter into God’s promised rest. Despite the fact that He had secured their salvation, their disobedience ruined their entry into the place God had promised. This passage stands as a warning to us to resist sin and rebellion, and a reminder to cling to God’s promises in Christ to shape our lives in obedience.
Obedience matters. We often focus on the great truth that we have been saved by grace through faith. This is good news, for we are utterly incapable of saving ourselves! Yet now that we are saved, that does not mean that we should wantonly give ourselves over to sin. Nor should we live rebelliously, conforming ourselves to the ideas and patterns of the world rather than to Christ.
We must be clear, however, regarding the obedience that God desires. His desire, first and foremost, is that we be rescued from our sin through faith in Jesus, the crucified and risen Savior. Being rescued from sin, we now struggle against the sinful inclinations of our hearts to live according to God’s will and confessing our sins and the many ways we fall short of that will.
This is a difficult lesson for us. We do not want to think about receiving God’s salvation, but failing to reach God’s promised rest. A great good is ours because Jesus gave His life for ours. Just as the Israelites were rescued from slavery in Egypt and given a new home in the Promised Land, we have been rescued from slavery to sin and given a new home in heaven. We do not want to neglect that gift or take it for granted. We neglect it if we think we think that our actions somehow contribute to entering into God’s promised rest, and we take it for granted if we think we can freely disregard God’s Word. 
O Lord, when You called the Israelites to enter into the promised land many of them doubted Your goodness and refused to act upon Your salvation. Something similar can happen still today as the people that You call as Your own doubt Your promises and turn to disobedience. We too can lose our place in Your eternal rest. Protect us, O Lord!
Thank You for delivering good news to us in the person of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus. He has rescued us from this wearying world and we have rest in His name. Thank You for delivering the message of Your salvation to us in Your Word, through the prophets and apostles, and handing this message down to today, so we may believe and be saved.
Forgive us for our disobedience. Forgive us for taking the message of Christ crucified for us for granted. Forgive us for not trusting Your grace, and continuing to think we must earn our salvation. Forgive us for not clinging to Your promises and acting upon them.

Grant that we never lose the rest You have won for us by Jesus’ death and resurrection. Let those who have turned away from Your promise remember and return to it. Fill us all with faith to hold tightly to Your Word and to live as people You have saved. Amen. 
