October 22, 2015

Scripture: Romans 3:19-28
This passage completely changed the way that Luther looked at the Gospel and was an important catalyst for the Reformation because it emphasizes that God’s righteousness is ours by faith, not works.
Here we are taught that no one is righteous before God because of the things they do, but only become righteous before God, that is they are justified, by faith in Jesus. The force of this text is to take away any sense of self-reliance for our salvation and to impress upon us the all-sufficient nature of Jesus’ sacrifice.
In these verses St. Paul looks at the issue of how one can be righteous. Many try to do so through works; trying to be obedient to God’s Law. He states flatly that this won’t work, for all have sinned and fall short. Finding the Law incapable of making people righteous, Paul focuses in on faith. It is faith in Jesus that receives God’s righteousness as a gift of grace because Jesus’ blood was shed as the sacrifice to pay for sin.
Paul asks, “Then what becomes of our boasting?” It is human nature to point to our actions, our contributions, and our importance, and Paul leaves no room for any of these things. The law of faith holds that only Jesus’ actions can justify us, and we can only receive justification from our sins by His death. No efforts of our own will suffice. This is, however, good news because Jesus has acted on our behalf, and elsewhere Paul will note that our boasting is in Him.
Everything either stands or falls on the message of this passage. Must we, by our actions earn our place in God’s presence or contribute something somehow to be accepted by Him? Or, do we come to be justified – that is, forgiven, set right with God – because of what Jesus has done? This passage says it is what Jesus has done that matters.
So does that mean good works don’t matter? Of course not! Luther once said, “We are saved by faith alone, but faith is never alone.” Faith always produces good works in us. Romans 3, however, has us dealing with the cause, not the effect. It is dealing with the first thing, not the second. Faith in Jesus saves us. Faith alone takes hold of the forgiveness Jesus purchased at the cost of his own blood for us.
O God, You have provided salvation for us that is completely separate from the things that we do. Through the whole Bible You show us that we are justified by Your grace as a gift through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Thank You! Words cannot express how grateful we are for this great gift!
We know that all have sinned and fall short of Your glory, O God. Please forgive us from seeking to justify ourselves. Forgive us for also acting like our actions don’t matter since we are justified.

O God, let this good news go out into all the world, and let our hearts cling firmly to the message that we are justified by faith alone. Then let our lives show that we are indeed justified people – that is, we are forgiven sinners who boast only in what You have done for us in Christ. Amen. 
