October 5, 2015

Scripture: Amos 5:6-7, 10-15
Amos came from Judah, but his ministry was in Israel, where he was called to proclaim God’s judgement on them. His prophecies often deal with justice and the lack-there-of among the Israelites. In this prophecy he urges the people to seek the Lord and to do what is good. The function of this prophecy is that is challenges us to love the truth, to hate evil, and to do the good things God calls us to do. 
“Seek the Lord and live,” says Amos. He is with these words calling his readers to repent of their sin and to turn to the Lord for their life and salvation. Repentance is turning to life because sin’s consequence is always death and God’s wrath. Amos describes that wrath as a fire that devours; it is deadly.
One of the marks of repentance is seeking to live the Lord’s way. Amos marks several ways that the people were living contrary to God’s way. He condemns those who make justice into bitter poison and those who work against righteousness. He states that others hate those who speak God’s truth to them, trample on the poor, persecute the righteous, and do not help those who are in need. He urges his readers to seek good – which is God’s way – and to live according to His will.
Do we as God’s people ever abhor hearing the truth of God’s Word spoken to us? Do we trample the poor while we ourselves live in comfort? While we may not actively consciously do these things, we participate in systems and purchase products from people who do. Do we ever turn from those who are in need? Amos’s words could easily have been written to us today. “Seek good and not evil…. Hate evil and love good, and establish justice.” Amos says that it may be that the Lord will be gracious. We know that He has been because we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus. So if or when we recognize that we have sinned, even in these ways, we can seek the Lord and live because of Jesus’ forgiveness.
O Lord, You are a God who loves justice and calls us to do that which is good in Your sight. Indeed, to do the good You call us to do is life and joy. Yet we are in a world that is full of injustice, while we are called to establish justice, to hate evil, and to love good.
Thank You for giving real justice to the world as You rescued us from sin and death by the death of Jesus. Thank You for revealing that there is such a thing as good and justice and for calling us to pursue it. And thank You for having been gracious to Your people.
O God, You know how many are our transgressions and how great are our sins. We call out to You for forgiveness. We confess that we have not loved those who told us the truth about our sin, and that we have participated in systems that promote injustice. Be gracious to us and save us from our sin!

By the power of Your Holy Spirit, work in the hearts of Your people to help us to love what You love and hate that which You hate. Open our hearts and minds to receive Your truth and to live according to it. Be the God who gives justice, defends the poor, and who confronts our sins with Your Word. Help us to seek good and not evil, that we may live; and move us to hate evil, and love good, and establish justice in the land. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 
