Scripture: Psalm 16
This psalm was written by King David. It is called a miktam, which probably means that it
was sung in a certain way, perhaps as part of a liturgy. Its message speaks to
the context of the church year as it promises that God does not abandon His
people to the grave, does not allow them to decay in death, but gives life and
joy forever. It also guides us in our worship as we consider where we put our
trust for good things in this life and models the desire to have one’s faith
set firmly on the Lord.
The First Commandment is at the heart of this psalm. God
declares that His people shall have no other gods, and we understand that to
mean that we are to, “fear, love, and trust,” in Him above all things. Yet
there is always the temptation to, “run after,” other gods. David teaches us
that when people do so sorrows are multiplied. Other gods cannot satisfy our
needs or desires. Indeed, they tend to create desires that are unquenchable and
the worshipper always seeks after one more thing.
With God it is different. He is a refuge for His people. He
brings good into their lives. He gives them a beautiful inheritance. He
instructs them in the way they should best live. Not only that, but He rescues
His people from death – something the other gods absolutely could not do!
Indeed, they often required death from their devotees! But God works against
death and decay. He makes known the path of life; the path walked by Jesus
whereby He passed through death to resurrection for us.
The gods of our time still ask for death as their tribute.
When a woman is inconveniently or tragically pregnant the solution of the gods
of this age is to kill the child before it is born. There is more and more
clamor in our political system for people to have the right to die when their
lives are stricken by illness and suffering because it is reasoned that nothing
good can come from suffering.
Except Jesus saved us by suffering. He saved us by dying. It is far better to listen to the Lord’s
counsel in regard to life and death than to listen to instructions from the
gods of this age. Even if in this world we suffer God has promised that we will
not languish in death. He will not let us become mere rotted corpses. He leads
us in the path of life – life beyond death which is eternal and full of joy.
Lord, we take refuge in You and we have no good apart from
You. We are Your holy ones, Your saints, and You are our chosen portion. You
hold our future in Your hand. Those who run after other gods will have eternal
sorrows, but our hearts are glad, for You will lead us through death to eternal
Thank You for defeating death by Jesus’ cross and grave.
Thank You for rescuing us from our own graves.
Forgive us for thinking death can solve our problems. We
have stepped off the path of life and allowed hunger, injustice, suffering, and
selfish corruption bring death into the lives of many. Forgive us for trusting
the words spoken by gods which promote death rather than pursing life.
Lord, make our hearts glad again and let our whole being
rejoice. Give us Your counsel and instruct our hearts so we may walk the path
of life and lead others upon it. Keep our hearts fixed on You and the salvation
Jesus won for us so we may at last come into Your presence with full joy. Amen.