Scripture: Hebrews 9:24-28
In this chapter the author of Hebrews writes about the
necessity of purifying people and the items of worship with blood. Having
stated that our earthly worship is a copy of heavenly worship, the writer of
Hebrews states that because Jesus has ascended into heaven as the crucified and
risen one He stands in God’s presence on our behalf. He is there for us and
will return from there to rescue us from this world.
In the midst of a focus on stewardship, this is, perhaps, a
strange passage; more focused on the judgement and salvation than tithes and
offerings. However, it is precisely the salvation we have in Christ that
motivates our giving and fuels our worship.
In the Old Testament God gave Moses very explicit directions
on how to build the tabernacle: the place the Israelites were to worship. The
items in the tabernacle and the worship that took place there was somehow a
reflection of heavenly reality. It was put together in a way that proclaimed
God’s presence, perfection, and salvation. Today’s churches are, similarly,
reflections of heavenly reality.
But now since Jesus has died, risen, and ascended our
worship is filled with the assurance that He intercedes on our behalf. Not only
that, but He will return to take us from the earthly imitations to be with Him
in heavenly reality.
Which is real: the things of this world or the things to
come in heaven? In truth, the answer is both, but the things of heaven are eternal
and the things of this world will pass away. Often we live our lives with our
eyes focused on this life. We get wrapped up in the storm and strife of life.
This reading would have us lift our eyes heavenward and remember that Jesus is
there speaking to the Father on our behalf. He will also come from there to
bring us to that glorious place where our worship will not be hampered by our
fears, our earthly attachments, or our sin.
O God, Jesus has entered into the most holy place for us.
While we worship on earth experiencing copies and foretastes of the glory that
is yet to be revealed, He is there inserting that reality into us. And His
sacrifice for our sin was so sufficient that we need not think of Him giving
His blood repeatedly for us, but instead we can eagerly wait for Him to come to
rescue us from death even as He has from sin.
Thank You, O God, for that forgiveness and that certainty
that Jesus will return for us. Thank You for giving us copies of heavenly
reality and foretastes of Your glory in our worship. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for
entering into the holy place for us and for making it possible for us to enter,
Forgive us for being more focused on earthly realities so
that we forget about the heavenly reality. Forgive us for thinking that this
world is eternal and the promises of heaven are ephemeral. Forgive us for not
eagerly waiting for Jesus’ second appearance, and for doubting that it will
even happen at all.
Lord, impress upon us and upon all Your people the eternal
hope we have in Jesus. Make us keenly aware that this world and the things of
this life are temporary and that the life-to-come is eternal. Help us to see
our worship now as a foretaste of all we will do in heaven when we are face to face.