Scripture: 1
Corinthians 3:10-23
Paul has been trying to help the Corinthian Christians see
their unity in Christ and in his Word while confronting their divisions and
distractions that broke their unity. In this reading he hits that topic one
more time before dealing more directly with the problems within their
congregations in the rest of the letter. He describes them as a building,
indeed a temple of God’s Holy Spirit. Furthermore, he again connects their
status to Christ, and through Christ to God. This text declares that the Holy
Spirit dwells in the collected congregation, showing how important our
corporate worship and unity are while reminding us that all of our status
before God is located solely in Christ.
Jesus Christ is the foundation of the faith that saves us in
God’s judgement. To place anything else there (to build on a different
foundation) jeopardizes our salvation. We will face the judgement, and our lives
will be tested. In the end it is faith and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit
which makes our lives and works precious. That which is separated from faith and
the holy work of the Spirit is burned up in the judgement and lost.
Paul urges us to prefer God’s foolishness over earthly
wisdom. It is in God’s foolishness – the foolishness of the cross, and the
message of Christ crucified which Paul was determined to never stray from –
that we gain access to God and the joys of eternal life in his presence. We do
not want to be cheated out of those good gifts which are guaranteed to us in
Christ and received even now by faith because we were afraid of looking foolish
to those who reject Jesus and prefer the wisdom of this world.
Good works matter. We often stress that our salvation is
rooted in Christ alone. This is correct, and fits squarely with the gospel of
the cross of Christ. However, as people who are saved, our lives should reflect
that salvation. Doing good because of our faith in Jesus is a witness to others
and fulfills God’s command to love others, as well as the Golden Rule. So, do
good, trusting in the forgiveness Jesus won for you for your own salvation.
Do not fear the judgement. It might be troubling to read about
our lives and work being tested with fire. There are two things to remember
here. First, God measures good differently than the world. Jesus said that offering
even a cup of cold water to a person because we are his disciples will be
rewarded (Matt 10:42). Offering water is a small deed to the world, but
connecting it to being a disciple of Jesus (connecting the deed to faith) makes
it holy and pleasing in God’s sight. Second, Jesus has endured the fiery
judgement for you on the cross and cleansed you in the water of baptism. Do not
fear the judgement, but live boldly in the confidence that Jesus has saved you
and his Spirit is in us.