February 24, 2017

Scripture: Matthew 17:1-9

Having had this reading earlier in the week, please resist the temptation to skim it over (although if you have time for nothing more, please skim!) and take your devotion time to re-read the Gospel lesson slowly.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you as you read the Scripture lesson, and ask him to teach you to pray, opening your heart and mind to pray according to God’s will.


On Fridays you will be encouraged to pray for a variety of prayer requests. The hope is that through these prayer requests we will, obviously, intercede for those need prayer, and that we will learn to think more broadly in our prayers. If time is short, you could simply pray the Lord’s Prayer.

For the Holy Spirit to help you, and all of God’s people, listen to Jesus.

For God’s people to recapture a sense of God’s glory and majesty that we would walk humbly with him.

For greater appreciation of the work the Holy Spirit does through the Word in our lives.

For deep trust that the Scriptures are inspired by God and reliable to teach us those things God desires to make known to us for our salvation.

For Christians to remember that Jesus is risen from the dead, and that we are to tell of his salvation when and where we have opportunity, and for courage and wisdom to speak God’s Word well, lovingly, and powerfully.

For those who teach and preach that they would listen closely to Jesus through the Word of God and be inspired by the Spirit to teach and preach rightly and skillfully.

For those who are sick, that God’s will would be done, that they might be healed, and that their illness would be an opportunity to grow in faith.

For those who grieve, that God comfort them with Jesus resurrection.

For those who do not know the Lord, that we, along with all our brothers and sisters in Christ, would share him winsomely, and that the Spirit would work in them to prepare them to hear God’s word and believe it.

For Christ to come soon, for endurance for the saints until he does, and for many to believe.

Conclude with the Lord’s Prayer.
