Scripture: John
9:1-7, 13-17, 34-39
Having had this reading earlier in the week, please resist
the temptation to skim it over (although if you have time for nothing more,
please skim!) and take your devotion time to re-read the Gospel lesson slowly.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you as you read the
Scripture lesson, and ask him to teach you to pray, opening your heart and mind
to pray according to God’s will.
On Fridays you will be encouraged to pray for a variety of
prayer requests. The hope is that through these prayer requests we will,
obviously, intercede for those need prayer, and that we will learn to think
more broadly in our prayers. If time is short, you could simply pray the Lord’s
Pray for those who are blind to
God’s love that the light of the Gospel will shine in their lives so that they
might believe in Jesus as their savior.
Pray for those trapped in the
darkness of:
False belief
Sexual sin
Human trafficking
Long illness
Pray for deep trust that God
hears our prayers when we cry out to him and that he rescues us.
Pray that we would not be blind
to our own sins, but being enlightened by the Holy Spirit that we would boldly
confess our sins to God and live in the forgiveness Jesus won for us on the
Pray that when we are tempted to
return to the shameful deeds of darkness that the light of God’s salvation
would expose those deeds and that he would lead us away from them.
Pray for those who have only
recently come to see that Jesus is their savior. Give thanks for them and ask for
God to protect them from persecution and mistreatment – particularly at the
hands of those who were/are their friends. And if they experience cruelty on
account of their faith that they would nevertheless remain strong in faith.
Pray that what is good and right
and true would be held in high regard among us.
Pray the Lord’s Prayer.