March 9, 2017

Scripture: Romans 4:1-8, 13-17

As the Old Testament reading this week focuses on his call, the New Testament lesson focuses on Abraham’s faith. The reading compares Abraham’s works to God’s grace, and draws our attention to the need for faith that receives God’s righteousness by faith. We learn here that, as impressive as Abraham’s life was, his status before God was rooted in God’s grace. The same is true for all people. Our status before God is not located in how impressive or unimpressive our works are but upon the grace of God.


“Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.” Notice that part of the sentence that says, “it was counted to him.” Abraham was no more righteous than anyone on his own. If you don’t believe me reread the account of his life in Genesis 12-25. There are many great deeds there … and many dubious ones as well. Instead, Abraham’s righteousness was counted to him or credited to him. It was unearned, but given because he believed God’s promise. Belief in God’s Word is what is key here.

Belief is a difficult thing sometimes. We would like to have proof. However, God gives us promises, not proofs. This is important because God himself guarantees our standing before him through Jesus’ death and resurrection and the promise of forgiveness. These things can only be received by faith. All who believe, as Abraham did, will find God keeps his promises.


Sometimes people like to engage in hero worship. We compare ourselves to others and find the comparison either favorable or not-so-favorable. We do this in our faith life, too. We look at impressive saints and long to be like them. Here’s the thing: You’re not like them. You never will be like them. You are like you. In a sense God’s plan for you and for your life is different than his plan for theirs. That’s something we can be thankful for.

In another sense, however, God’s plan for you is exactly like those heroes of the Faith. His plan is to save you through Jesus’ sacrificial death and glorious resurrection, and to give you the benefit of that salvation by faith. Just as Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness, when we believe him God credits that to us as righteousness. So, if it matters, you are just like Abraham and the other heroes of the faith – saved by grace through faith.


Instruction, Thanksgiving, Confession, Petition

O God, we believe your promises and you consider it as righteousness. Thank you for dealing with us in this way instead of making us try to earn salvation. We know that we would never be able to do enough good to earn your pleasure or to satisfy your anger at sins. Forgive us for those times when we get more focused on our deeds – good or bad – than upon your grace. Help us to believe your promises and to rest in them, and give us faith to leave our lives in your hands trusting all that Jesus has done to save us. Amen. 
