April 26, 2017

Scripture: Psalm 116:1–14

While Psalm 116 is not one of the Hallelujah Psalms (Psalms 146-150), it ends with a strong Hallelujah as the last word saying, “Praise the Lord!” This psalm praises the Lord for salvation and rescue from death. These themes work very well reinforcing our celebration of Jesus’ resurrection and the salvation he has won defeating death and promising everlasting life to all who believe.


At the heart of our praise for God is his salvation. He acted in mercy and love to redeem his people from sin and death. This psalm flows from that heart of praise as it speaks of God hearing prayer, delivering the soul from death, eyes from tears, and feet from stumbling.

The psalm also shows that praise is a response to what God has done as it asks, “What shall I render to the Lord?” In other words, “How should I repay the Lord for all the good that he has done?” The psalmist directs us to praise and service. We should note that in v. 16 it speaks of serving the Lord because he as loosed the psalmists bonds or chains. We are freed from sin in Christ so that we may, “serve him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness.”[1]


Praise the Lord. Love the Lord. Serve the Lord. These are all things that we do because of his salvation. Perhaps today we would do well to consider how we do these things, along with when and where these are present in our lives. We could then give thanks to God for these blessings as well.

What if you, in considering your praise, love, and service to the Lord, feel that these things are insignificant or your soul feels guilty in your evaluation? Your answer is in v. 7 which says, “Return, O my soul, to your rest, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.” Return to God’s grace and mercy and live in his forgiveness. Then, as a forgiven Christian, you can pray for God to make your praise more profound, your love more deep, and your service more meaningful.


Use Psalm 116 to guide your prayer today. Pray that the Holy Spirit would move you to love the Lord because of his grace and mercy. Pray that he would teach you how to praise and serve the Lord while resting securely in the forgiveness Jesus won for you.  

[1] Small Catechism, Apostles’ Creed, Second Article
