May 29, 2017

Pentecost Sunday

Scripture: Numbers 11:24–30

This Sunday is Pentecost, the festival that celebrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The reading for today follows a period of suffering and hunger for Israel. The burden of leading Israel was too great for Moses to bear so God put his Spirit on other leaders in Israel to share the weight of caring for the people. This account shows that God’s Spirit was at work in the Old Testament and that he did much as he does in the New Testament: leading, guiding and empowering God’s people, even enabling them to proclaim his Word.


When we read of Israel complaining during their wilderness wanderings we sometimes perceive them as a bunch of ungrateful whiners. In retrospect, however, we should remember that these people were walking by faith, and that trust can be scary when people (even we ourselves) are experiencing physical need or lack. God expects complete trust at all times, no matter our circumstances, yet he also has mercy to provide godly leaders who, filled with God’s Spirit, comfort, lead, correct, and guide his people; like the seventy elders for Israel.

It is interesting to note that while Eldad and Medad did not gather with the other elders of Israel, they received the same gift of God’s Spirit. We don’t know why these two did not go to the assembly, but we do know that they prophesied when the Spirit rested on them. Joshua was jealous on Moses’ behalf when he saw this, but Moses displayed wisdom longing for all of God’s people to have God’s Spirit that they might all understand and proclaim his Word.


Sometimes people seem to think that the giving of the Holy Spirit is a New Testament phenomenon. Clearly it is not. God has given his Spirit throughout history when and where he desired. Today we trust God’s promise that all who are baptized into Christ have the Spirit resting upon us. This means that as God’s forgiven and redeemed people, we also are empowered to speak on God’s behalf, telling of all he has done, particularly how he has won salvation for us through Jesus’ death and resurrection, so others may hear and believe in Jesus as their savior.

Consider who the people are in your life who, having the Spirit resting upon them, have shared God’s Word with you. Who are the people that the Spirit of God used to bring the good news of forgiveness and everlasting life through faith in Jesus to you? Pray and give thanks for them! Have you been privileged to share Jesus with someone? You were empowered by the Holy Spirit to do so. Pray and give thanks for that as well!


O God, when Moses was alone leading the people of Israel, you graciously put your Spirit on seventy elders of Israel to join in leading and caring for your people. We thank you for the people whom you have used to lead us to Christ and to care for us by proclaiming your Word among us. Forgive us for our fear and unbelief in times of trouble or lack. Strengthen our faith by the working of your Spirit in us that we would trust you in all things and even encourage others to place their faith in you by trusting Jesus the savior and everlasting elder of your people who redeemed us with his own blood. Amen. 
