2nd Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 6
Scripture: Exodus
This reading takes place after God had rescued Israel out of
slavery in Egypt, but before they received the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20),
although they had just arrived at Mount Sinai. In this lesson God speaks to
Moses of his will for Israel to be his treasured possession, a kingdom of
priests, and a holy nation. We are reminded here that God chooses people as his
own for the purpose of representing him in the world to share his salvation
with others.
God’s salvation is the heart of Israel’s relationship to him.
Note that the first thing God does before he speaks of his purpose for Israel is
to remind them of how he rescued them out of Egypt. As they stood at the base
of Mount Sinai, it was because God chose to intercede on their behalf, not
because of their own might or military skill. They stood there as ones who had
been borne out on eagles’ wings – saved miraculously and against all odds.
God’s salvation also set Israel apart for his purpose – to be
his treasured possession, a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. While it can
be argued that being a treasured possession focused solely on Israel’s
relationship with God, the other two roles, a kingdom of priests and a holy
nation, also dealt with their relationship to the nations and peoples around
them. They were not called to live an internal faith in a sort of “me-and-Jesus”
relationship that gave no mind or care to others. They were to intercede with
God on behalf of the nations around them like priests, and their holy lives
were to be a witness to draw people to God so they too might live with him.
Salvation is the heart of our relationship with God, too. We,
too, have been borne out on eagles’ wings –saved from sin and death miraculously
and against all odds – through Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection. What
a joy it is to remember that we do not work to make our place with God or to
appease him! He loves us and saves us purely out of his divine love.
Salvation also sets us apart for God’s purpose. We are not
called to a “me-and-Jesus” relationship with God where our faith is a personal
matter to be lived within our homes and expressed only in our worship. We are
placed in relationship with our neighbors to love them and to intercede on
their behalf to the Lord – to pray for them and ask for God’s mercy and blessings
to be upon them. If you don’t already, you might add your neighbor to your
regular prayers raising their needs (if you know them) or just asking for God’s
blessings upon them.
Father in heaven, you rescued Israel out of slavery and bore
them as on eagles’ wings to make them your treasured possession, a kingdom of
priests, and a holy nation. Thank you for doing the same for us though Jesus’
suffering death and resurrection. Forgive us for the times that we have cherished
the gospel as though it were solely about our relationship with you and
neglected the roles of priests and intercessors that you have given us with our
neighbors. Make us more sensitive to the way that your salvation links us to
you and gives us a purpose to represent you to our neighbors. Empower us to do
your will and to live in Jesus’ grace. Amen.