June 20, 2017

Scripture: Matthew 10:5a, 21–33

At the end of last week’s Gospel reading in which Jesus sent out his disciples after urging them to pray for workers to be sent into the harvest field, he warned them that persecution would come. In today’s lesson Jesus picks up where he left off. He tells them that even family members will betray believers to persecution and urges them to have no fear of earthly suffering, but to remember whom they serve and his power. These are important words for Christians to hear today as well, as we too are reminded that whoever confesses Jesus before others in this life, Jesus will confess them before his Father in heaven.


Persecution is real and it takes place in our world. I have spoken with Christians who grew up in Muslim homes who suffered at their family’s hands because they believed in Jesus. I have talked with people who grew up under the old Soviet state who spoke of what happened to Christians in those lands. However, there is persecution and then there is persecution. Many of our brothers and sisters in Christ suffer physically and financially – even risking death – because of their faith. That is persecution. Yet sometimes, here in the United States where I write from, we feel that if someone mocks, disagrees, or speaks against us that we are persecuted, too. And while all suffering for the sake of Jesus is an honor – we shouldn’t confuse what we go through with what others are experiencing. Instead, we should simply be glad that Jesus acknowledges us and pray for our brothers and sisters who suffer much worse for Jesus’ sake.


In a sense this reading forces us to ask, “What am I afraid of?” While it is no fun being contradicted, ridiculed, slandered, or even being truly persecuted, is that experience truly more fearful than losing Christ and our salvation? We are often overwhelmed by the experiences of life – some of which truly are overwhelming! – when we should see God overwhelms that which overwhelms us, and he has shown that he is for us by giving Jesus to endure suffering and death on our behalf! Take heart!

So, what are we afraid of? Jesus tells us that God attends even to the sparrows, and that we are much more valuable than they. God knows what you are going through. He is with you and he will bring you through it. He will give you faith to trust in him as you endure it, and finally bring you home to glory where no sorrow or suffering can touch you because Jesus acknowledges those who confess him in this life before the Father.


Lord Jesus, you have made it clear that a disciple is not above the teacher, and since you suffered and were mistreated, we can expect the same. Thank you for the privilege of bearing your name into this world, and even bearing the ridicule that comes with bearing your name. Forgive us for times that we have been tempted to deny you to make our lives easier. Forgive us for fearing people more than we fear the Father. Forgive us for trusting you to forgive our sins, but not trusting you to bring us through the troubles we face in this life. Give us your Holy Spirit that we may walk day-by-day in faith and acknowledge you before people until that day when you will acknowledge us before your Father in his glory. Amen. 
