July 28, 2017 - Matthew 13:44-52

You can listen to the reading here.

Prayer Requests

Pray about idolatry and the many gods that draw people away from the one true God.

Pray prayers of thanks for being part of God’s treasured possession – His people who have been made holy through Jesus’ blood.

Pray for humility for God’s people as we relate to the rest of the world.

Pray prayers of thanks for God’s salvation through the Cross of Christ.

Pray about all the things you are going through and trust them to God to do good for you through all of them.

Pray prayers of thanks for being predestined by God to have faith and be justified.

Pray for those who do not have faith that God might use you and others of his people as his witnesses to share the Gospel with them.

Pray for the confidence of faith that in all circumstances nothing can separate you from God’s love in Christ Jesus.

Pray that God’s people be unmovable and eternally living.

Pray that wickedness never reign over God’s people.

Pray about the parables Jesus told – that we will see ourselves as the treasured possession and that we would recognize others as treasured as Jesus treasures them (and us).

Pray about the great net that gathers all people – that many people would be saved by the Lord.

Pray that we would see ourselves as people with a treasure to share with the world.

Pray for the sick, the needy, and the hurting.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer.
