July 7, 2017

Scripture: Matthew 11:25–30

Having had this reading earlier in the week, please resist the temptation to skim it over (although if you have time for nothing more, please skim!) and take your devotion time to re-read the Gospel lesson slowly.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you as you read the Scripture lesson, and ask him to teach you to pray, opening your heart and mind to pray according to God’s will.


On Fridays you will be encouraged to pray for a variety of prayer requests. The hope is that through these prayer requests we will, obviously, intercede for those who need prayer, and that we will learn to think more broadly in our prayers. If time is short, you could simply pray the Lord’s Prayer.

Pray for pastors who are preparing to preach that they would speak God’s Word in truth and purity, and that they would do so with skill and clarity.
Pray for congregations who are preparing for worship on Sunday that God’s Word would be heard in them, that they would be comforted in Jesus’ forgiveness, strengthened in faith, and emboldened to share the hope they have in Christ with their neighbors.
Pray prayers of thanks for God’s mercy and forgiveness.
Pray to love God’s Law, to understand it, to obey it, and to see it as a good gift from God.
Pray to not become confused about God’s Law so that we somehow think that our relationship with God is based on our performance instead of Jesus’ sacrifice.
Pray for God’s salvation to come to all people through faith in Jesus.
Pray for those who are heavy laden, that by faith in Jesus they might find rest for their souls.
Pray for those who grieve that they may be comforted by the hope of Jesus’ resurrection and the promise of God’s new creation.
Pray for the leaders of the various governments of the world that they would govern justly and strive for peace so that their people may prosper. Pray especially for your president, governor, and mayor.
Pray for churches to use their facilities and ministries wisely and in ways that help people experience the Gospel.
 Pray for God’s people to embrace and grow in God’s mission both within the congregation and in our personal lives.
Pray for farmers and the food industry to provide sufficient and healthy food for all people.
Pray the Lord’s Prayer. 
