February 26 - Deuteronomy 34:1-12

On the mount where Jesus was transfigured, two Old Testament prophets appeared with Him: Moses and Elijah. The Old Testament reading for Transfiguration this year records Moses’s death, which is unique because God told Moses that he was about to die, and He, Himself, buried Moses.

We might recall that Moses was not permitted to enter the Promised Land because of his disobedience to God’s command. When the Israelites grumbled (a common occurrence during the wandering in the wilderness) because they didn’t have water, God instructed Moses to speak to the rock so that it would provide water. Moses became so angry that he struck the rock with his staff instead of speaking to it. God told Moses that his disobedience meant that he would not reach that destination he has longed for, but in His mercy God did two things: He provided water from the rock and He allowed Moses to see the Promised Land.

In what ways to we hear God’s Word, but, in anger, choose to strike out instead of speaking in obedience? How have we experienced God’s mercy despite our disobedience?

Father in Heaven, You displayed Your firm insistence that we obey You by refusing to allow Moses to enter the Promised Land, however, You also displayed Your mercy by providing water and, when Moses died viewing the Promised Land, by burying Him. Thank You for displaying Your works of Law and Gospel in this manner in Moses’s life. Forgive us, Lord, for our disobedience, which also sometimes flows from our anger, and change our hearts so that they conform to Your will. Grant us Your Holy Spirit so that we will obey You and rejoice in Your mercy. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
