February 27 - Hebrews 3:1-6

Reading: Hebrews 3:1-6

One of my favorite quotes regarding biblical interpretation is, “When you see, ‘therefore,’ you should ask what it is there for.” Therefore urges us to look back as what was previously said. In the case of our reading for today, what was previously said was all about the foundation of our salvation. The verse just prior to our reading states, “For because [Jesus] Himself has suffered when tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted.” In response to this good news we are urged to, “consider Jesus.”

Clearly this passage is not urging us to consider Jesus as a new law-giver. Jesus is set in juxtaposition with Moses, who faithfully carried the God’s law to His people. Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses. Jesus is the Son, whereas Moses is merely a servant. But Jesus’ glory extends beyond mere son-ship. His glory also flows from His faithfulness, which led Him to make and to be the atoning sacrifice for all the times we broke God’s law.

How might the phrase, “consider Jesus,” guide your day? How might it serve to guide your behavior? How might it serve to comfort your conscience?

Father in Heaven, Moses was a great servant, but Jesus is Your Son, so it is in Him that we hope for our salvation. Thank You for putting Jesus in a position that allowed Him to suffer as we do so that He is capable of helping us. Forgive us for the times we have refused His help and chosen to live in the power of our own ability to choose, even though we choose so badly. Help us to consider Jesus as our Savior and Lord so that we will be comforted by His salvation, and transformed by His faithfulness. Amen.
